Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Have You Hugged Your (Sponsored) Child Today?

Chances are, you’ve heard from us by mail, email or both in the last few days about something we call “Special Hug.”

And you may be asking yourself, “What in the world is Special Hug?”

Most of our activities center specifically around our sponsored children. However, once a year -- September 17 -- we give them a gift that is designed to help their whole family.

For most of us, it’s hard to imagine a plastic chair, a laundry bucket or a set of dishes being a major investment. But that’s exactly what it would be for most of our sponsored children’s families.

By giving them items similar to these each year, we let the moms and dads of sponsored children know we think about them as well…and we want to make their lives just a little bit easier.

I hope you’ll take a moment if you haven’t already – either through our website,, or by filling in the form you receive in the mail – to send a small gift for the children and their families.

It may be a small gift – but it’s a big deal for them.

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