Monday, September 24, 2007

Weathering the Storm

Posted on behalf of Scott Cotter

A gentle rain started falling and everyone just ignored it. The drops made a rhythmic lilt on the metal rooftop of the Quito community center. Looking out one of the windows, we could see that most of the families queuing up to receive school supplies were getting wet but they hadn’t sought cover…yet.

Maybe living day in and day out with Mother Nature in almost total control over their lives and belongings tempered their response to the rain.

Then the sound started getting louder. Much louder. As the drizzle turned into a downpour and finally mixed with hail, the families ran for cover; and as floodwaters started pouring into the community center and staff scrambled to help the children and parents, I ran for the window with my recorder so I could report on what I was seeing and hearing.

Along with the audio clip I recorded while watching that storm dump sheets of rain on Quito, CI photographer Jennifer Spaw tried to capture, as best she could with limited mobility, what that storm was like.

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